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#SPSCounts - Week 2: Might - Fitness

#SPSCounts - Passover to Shavout

Week 2: Might - Fitness

This year, between Passover and Shavout, we are launching #SPSCounts - 7 weeks of community building with SPS through challenges to practice Judaism in ways new and old, familiar and surprising based on the kabbbalistic understanding of the counting of the Omer.

You'll sign up here or by emailing and every week you'll receive the challenge along with some Jewish teaching. We encourage you to share your completion of the challenge each week on social media with the hashtag #SPSCounts as we journey these 7 weeks together.

April 3

Shabbat Morning Service (Passover Yom Tov)

April 4

Morning Minyan (Passover Yom Tov)